Saturday, November 10, 2012


A final serious post and then I'll go back to silly puns and pictures of walls that I've painted...
I am so tired of all the built-in division that I see everywhere; the political correctness. "I'm an African-American... I'm a Mexican-American... blah blah blah". No, you aren't. You are an AMERICAN. You may be an American of African or Hispanic or Irish descent but you are an American; first and foremost. Do you hear people say "I'm an African-Italian" or "I'm a Cuban-Canadian" or "I'm a Japanese-German"? No, you don't (at least I can't recall ever hearing that). Can you just imagine the outrage if someone said "I'm an Anglo-American"? They would be labeled a racist (or worse). Can you say double-standard? Everyone is so worried about either offending someone else or being offended. Guess what? Life can be offensive and it can be immensely cruel and probably doesn't really give a rat's ass about you and your easily offended sensibilities. Put on your big pants, grow up, and accept it.

It's almost like being an American is secondary; an "I'm an <insert ethnic heritage of your choice>... Oh yeah. I almost forgot. I'm an American too" kind of thing. Is it any wonder why we are so fragmented? The only time we seem to have any American Pride is when we have the Olympics or we send some robot to Mars. Beyond that? There is no sense of Pride in our country.

I have a good friend just recently became an American citizen and if you ask him, he doesn't say "I'm a Panamanian-American"; he says he's an American and he has waited his entire life to be able to say that and to say it with pride and one of the biggest smiles you've ever seen. He paraded around with his "I voted" sticker like a kid who just got the coolest bike for Christmas. He explained it to me; If you have never been able to do something, you are so grateful to finally have that opportunity. If you've always had it, you can never understand how lucky you are. An analogy might be the rich kid who has always had money versus the kid who worked and struggled to make his own fortune. Maybe the issue is that we take so many things for granted that people who are from other countries have never had. Maybe we really are fat, lazy, ignorant, pretentious, whiny, and spoiled like we seem to be depicted so often.

I really do think that if we were proud of being Americans, America would be the country we all want it to be. We need to stand together or we will definitely fall apart.


I have to say that I'm pretty disgusted right now. Romney supporters; what's done is done; stop whining. I'm not happy about it but it is what it is. If you don't like it, do something about it; get involved. Research the issues and make informed decisions. Obama supporters; stop the gloating and hold your "man" accountable for the promises that got him re-elected. He claims he needed another term to continue his "work"; he got it. Now deliver what you promised and convince me that I was wrong and that the other half of this country was right. This whole thing reminds me of a fight on a playground. Everyone, grow up and act like adults and not like little kids sticking your tongues out at each other.

What truly sickens me is that no one seems to see the bigger picture here; it's painfully obvious that this country is divided and if something doesn't happen to unify us and make us all proud to be Americans again, this divide will only get wider and deeper. The Republican party is out of touch with the direction this country needs to move in and the Democratic Party thinks everything can be fixed by spending money we don't have on it. The Electoral College is a monstrously outdated mechanism for the modern electorate, considering the speed at which we can spread information; it was fine when it took days or weeks for information to be exchanged. This is no longer the case.

There is so much that is wrong and broken. I just hope it's not too late to be fixed.


Okay, one of my very few political rants of this election cycle (and it's party neutral, actually): I just read through the proposed Florida Amendments on the ballot tomorrow. After I was done and found myself totally confused by the language, I did some research to find out what they REALLY mean. Seriously State Legislators? Could you possibly be more confusing about what you want to add to our Constitution? I'm infuriated by the way politicians purposely word proposed legislation (and how they hide things inside of other propositions) in such a way that normal people who do not either have a degree in Law or a handy-dandy Paralegal/Lawyer friend to translate it, have ZERO clue about what they just read. Why not just go ahead and have it written in cuneiform on the ballot? At least that way, I wouldn't be mistakenly thinking I know what it means; there would be little doubt that I, in fact, have NO IDEA what you are "selling".

Shame on you for this blatant attempt to mislead the people of Florida and of this Country. This smacks of Nancy Pelosi's comment about needing to pass a law to find out what's in it. Shame on you, Legislature (all of you; Democrats, Republicans, and all other party affiliations)! When I think about this kind of thing, my faith in our State, Country, and in Humanity itself, dies a little inside of me.

Please educate yourself before you go to the polls tomorrow;

If I were stuck in an elevator with a Zombie, a Vampire, and a Politician and all I had was a gun with two bullets, I'd shoot the Politician twice.