Friday, September 15, 2006

Perhaps I Am Just Too Easy

In my capacity as a Network Administrator, part of my job is to setup and configure the computers that my co-workers use to do their jobs. These can vary from Graphic's Workstations to a simple Q&A setup. My company is pretty loose about allowing people to work from home on occasion. So, by extension, I have a standing offer to all of my fellow employees that if they would like me to, and if I have the time, I will setup their home machines to mirror their workstations as closely as possible. This allows me to ensure that their machines have current virus protection as well as any updates for the OS. I can also make sure that they have legal copies of any software they might require to perform their job functions. And considering that we have VPN access to the network for all employees, this policy makes sense as a measure to reduce the chances of a virus or some other security risk is not introduced onto our network.

Sunday, July 2, 2006

When It Rains, It Pours

So about two weeks ago, we have a conference call at my job. The owner starts talking about how things are really getting tight because of a contract we've won but have yet to receive any money from ( $350 million). She's saying that until this money is actually released, we are going to have to do some "belt-tightening"; pay-cuts, furlough's, temporary part-time/on-call work, etc. I'm thinking, this is gonna be tough but with my position as the only IT support guy in the largest production facility (4 servers and close to 40 workstations) in the company, I'm in no danger of anything too drastic.



Wednesday, February 1, 2006

Murphy's Law As My Guardian Angel

I guess I've pissed off someone but last week, life took an OMGHUEGSHIT!!11!! on me. I'm almost afraid to ask what else can go wrong because I just know something will. I'm sorry for the length of this, but Murphy's Law rode me like a cheap date this time.