Monday, January 21, 2008

A Tale Of Mixed Signals

Today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. I work downtown where there are Parades and events scheduled. From my office on the Third Floor, I have a Bird's Eye view of the Parades as they continue along their route. I'm not normally one for these sorts of things for any reason; it has nothing to do with it being MLK Day or anything of that nature. I happen to consider him to be a great man who has had a huge impact on the world. I'm just not a Parade kinda guy.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Baby Steps

I'm not used to putting my life into words. I've never been a journal/diary keeper. In fact, I'm pretty bad about keeping my thoughts and feelings inside and not expressing them to anyone; even if to only to put them in writing for only myself to see. I've come to the conclusion that this is not a very healthy practice. Internalizing everything seems to have the effect of turning me into a very dour person. There are lots of things changing in my life right now and I've allowed myself to become somewhat moody. Not bipolar moody, but just a little prone to feeling down about things. Perhaps working at putting my thoughts into written form will be therapeutic.