Monday, May 12, 2008

As Good As Done

So, we had the divorce hearing this morning. I was nervous as hell. Was the Magistrate going to laugh at my petition? Was he going to say "This all looks well and good but you have to pay $X alimony as well"? Was he going to tell us that he wasn't going to accept the Mediated agreement? So many questions...

The hearing was at 9:30 a.m. We got there (in separate vehicles) at about ten minutes after and waited outside the Magistrate's office until we were called in. The officer instructed us to sit on opposite sides of the table (Would he be considered a Baliff in a hearing in a Magistrate's chambers? I'm not sure). The Magistrate made us both do the whole "Do you swear that the testimony you are about to give is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth..." thing and then confirmed a few basic questions; Is you marriage irreparably broken? Have you both agreed to this Meditation attachment? Etc... etc... He then stated that he was unconcerned with how we divided up our property and that it looked like it was pretty simple. He said he would sign off on it and forward it to the Circuit Judge and that once they had signed it, we would be officially divorced. We should receive the decree within a week or so.

The hearing lasted about three minutes.

So it isn't official yet but it is almost as good as official. I feel like a huge weight is off my shoulders.

Oddly, why is it that I feel like I am a horrible person again? I don't know why I think that but I do. I really feel like a complete shit. I'm not sure if it's this divorce thing or because of things in general. It seems like it might be a case of "Damned if you do, and damned if you don't". I'm sure I've done something to deserve it. Oh well.

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