Sunday, July 2, 2006

When It Rains, It Pours

So about two weeks ago, we have a conference call at my job. The owner starts talking about how things are really getting tight because of a contract we've won but have yet to receive any money from ( $350 million). She's saying that until this money is actually released, we are going to have to do some "belt-tightening"; pay-cuts, furlough's, temporary part-time/on-call work, etc. I'm thinking, this is gonna be tough but with my position as the only IT support guy in the largest production facility (4 servers and close to 40 workstations) in the company, I'm in no danger of anything too drastic.



An hour later I get a phone call from my supervisor (the ONLY other IT guy in the company) telling me that I have been laid-off and that I need to gather my belongings and leave the office ASAP. My hands literally started quivering. I'd been with this company for over 5 years and had bent over backwards doing whatever was asked of me (and often, did more than was asked). To say I was blind-sided by this would be a vast understatement.

I'm not sure if I was more hurt by the fact that I was laid-off or that I was told I needed to leave immediately because of my administrative access and someone thought I might sabotage something. I'm stunned that anyone could think I'd do that after all of the effort and hard work I'd put into building that infrastructure. I really felt hurt at the lack of trust. Not to mention that I'm suddenly unemployed with NO warning and through NO fault of my own.

I am really just stunned and feeling pretty worthless right now.

Needless to say, I'm now in the market for a new job. If anyone has any leads, I'll gladly send my resume for you to pass along. I am a Network Administrator/2D/3D Graphic Artist.

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