You know how you get that feeling of accomplishment when you are just about to finish something that has taken a long time? Like completing some home improvement project or getting the oil changed or finishing that book you've always wanted to read? That's the feeling I have been having for the last two weeks.
As I have detailed previously, the last year has been a trial. There have been more potholes and obstacles to getting my life to where it needs to be than I could have EVER possibly imagined. From unforeseen hurdles with my divorce, to uncontrollable issues regarding getting my house refinanced, to the unexpected passing of my Grandfather and the ensuing familial drama surrounding the settling of his estate. Just... so... much... shit...
I have managed to overcome most of these obstacles and I like to think that I am a better, stronger man for having made it through some very dark and draining times. It has definitely proven to me that I do not need to depend on anyone but myself. And I am completely okay with that.
Now to the purpose for this blog post. I received the disbursement of funds from my refinance a couple of weeks ago and immediately sent the checks to the respective creditors and paid off all but one of my credit cards (they will be getting a healthy chunk of change when I mail my payment). My Ex-wife received the funds I agreed to pay her and she is now looking for a place to live. Hopefully, that process will not take very long.
It felt wonderful to pay those credit cards off and to actually have money in my bank account again. That compounded with the knowledge that this long, difficult journey is very nearly at an end has me almost giddy with excitement. I haven't actually felt good about where my life was in a very long time. It's not quite where it needs to be, but it's damn close to being there. I'm not saying that there aren't still some aspects to my existence that aren't quite what I had hoped and wanted them to be, but unfortunately, that is just how it is and I can't change them. All I can do is move forward and know that I have done what is best for me to be happy.
And yes, it is finally all about me.
There's always a rainbow at the end of the road- just many times the road seems way to longggggggg. Glad life is looking up for you!