I finished the repairs on the bathroom last weekend and, I must admit, it turned out really nicely; not the professional (tiled or custom fiberglass enclosure) job I had intended, but it's more than functional and properly done.
Due to weather issues (e.g. rain and lots of it), humidity (which made the glue/caulk take a LOT longer to cure), and just me or my Dad being busy, it took longer than I'd hoped. It made me smile when the appraiser came in to re-evaluate it and the first words out of his mouth was "Wow! This is one of the best jobs I've ever seen!". So, hurray!
Now that the bathroom meets with the criteria required for the FHA refinance, I will (hopefully) be closing on the loan within the next week or so.
For you Tim Taylor wannabes, here are some pics...
Great job there, Larry. Now you have something more to smile about than where that soap hits. ;-)